About Us

Our Mission
  Your satisfaction is our first priority!! We understand that our flower arrangements carrying our customers' expression to their important person, so we will try our best to make both the sender & the one who receive our flower happy!
Our team
  Both of our Customer Services & Design Team are well-trained, their professional & helpful must give you a happy shopping experience. From ordering to delivery, you can feel so easy & comfortable that you may never tried before.
Our designers integrates both traditional skill & trendy concept of flower arrangements, which give our arrangement lives. It is not difficult to find our jobs among those typical one.
Reasonable Prices & Good Quality
  We believe that our goodwill is always our greatest asset, so no over-charge & complaints will happened. Our business is grow from "public praise" by our existing customers but not from advertisements.
We especially in
 ‧ bouquets  
 ‧ flower arrangements  
‧ congratulation flowers basket  
 ‧ orchids set  
‧ hampers